Hire me

LSP facilitator


You can hire me as an LSP facilitator and I guarantee creative thoughts and answers to questions that currently have no answer, while also ensuring a 100% engaged group. Do you want answers to questions you currently don’t have an answer to?

Leadership trainer


You can hire me as a leadership trainer and I will take you and your colleagues on a journey of how to shape new leadership. We have done this with the Fire Department of Luxembourg, and Whirlpool in the US has already followed suit.

Agile Coach


You can hire me as an agile coach to actively contribute to your transformation, where I will freely move through the organization and use provocative techniques to address both the primary process, but especially the secondary process of how we will do it. Because what you are doing will not be able to bring about the necessary changes, and that is relatively simple.

Design your own Experiential LEGO® format

Collaboration: The next generation LSP & DISC

More compassion leads to more understanding. More understanding leads to more recognition. More recognition leads to more result. More result leads to higher performing teams.

ZOOM meeting

Please contact me to setup a ZOOM meeting to discuss your wishes and what we can offer you. Fill out the form below and please give us three options of dates and times, then we will get back to you with a conformation.

Have you become a coach based on experience you have in your field of expertise?

Coaching is a field of expertise by itself! This workshop hands coaches in an agile environment a number of practical tools you can start using right away.

LSP Scrum team foundation


Everybody is responsible for the steps he or she takes in life. But everyone doubts what would be the best next steps every now and then.

Meet-up with likeminded people in the business

Come to one of our meet-ups with likeminded people in your business and discuss opportunities. See our event calendar for dates and places.

Let’s take your teams along the changes!


The fact that forced changes cause commotion is a given. How you handle this commotion is the key to success. I’d like to take you along so that you can also go ahead with important changes, but let’s first start with getting to know each other and I promise to bring bricks!

Below you can find my updated CV. I’m always curious about job opportunites, so please feel free to contact me.
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